It's TIME to INVEST in YOU! You deserve to live in the abundance to which God has called you. You can't live the life you want t live and make the money you want to make IF you don't make your health a priority and do what's required of you.
All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful YOU!
Starting September 14, 2021
De-stress & Rest
Stress is at an all time high and it's the #1 killer above everything else. Finding balance is not an option, it is absolutely necessary! Find your peace in meditation and a mindset reset. You owe it to yourself and those attached to you!
Eat to Live & Foods that Heal
Many think that nutrition is one of the most challenging aspects of health to control. The key to it all is balance. You can have the joy of food and the nutritious benefits it brings.
Alignment and Mobility
"In Him we live, move, and have our being." Yoga & Meditation has tons of health benefits, two of which are strength and flexibility. Movement in Christ restores our bodies and cleanses your palate for intimacy with Him and strength from Him.
What You Get...
#1: Six (6) Live Group Coaching Sessions
#2: Six (6) Live Yoga & Meditation Sessions
#3: One (1) - 30 min. 1:1 Individual Coaching Sessions
#4: Access to Platform Resources
#5: Access to our Private Membership Community of Amazing Women with whom to share your experiences, your questions, your wins, your challenges, etc.
#6: Complimentary Digital Copy of G.L.O.W. Rx Book as your reference text. (Discounted Paperback Copy available at checkout)
LET'S DO THIS!Choose Your Best Option.
Don't forget to use the discount code "RESETREADY" at checkout!

For ONE Installment, get started on the transformation of your life. You've literally given to EVERYONE Else. Now, it's your turn to Shine & G.L.O.W.

"This was just what the doctor ordered! It was so refreshing to acknowledge things I personally needed to address to make me a better person. I was living in a shell and Dr. Nicole helped me to emerge from that shell. I'm so happy and proud of myself for deciding to join this program. I wholeheartedly recommend it!"
Jennifer L.