Simple and Fun
Connecting shouldn't be complicated, and learning shouldn't be intimidating! That's why we've designed a simple and engaging learning experience to elevate your most important and vital skills into something that builds wellness, character, communication, and leadership for all to enjoy!
Hi! I'm Dr. Nicole McCarty
I am an Integrative Health Doctor, Executive Wellness Coach, & YOUR Corporate Wellness Consultant/Trainer. There is a misnomer when it comes to wellness that it focuses solely on the physical aspect. It's so much more than that. Here's a fact for you, incomplete people breed stress in the workplace which subsequently lends to unhealthy attitudes, habits and practices.
WellYOU IN the Jungle (WIJ) helps you and your teams members understand the individual needs of each team member based on the 4 pillars of wellness (Mental, Physical, Emotional and Soul-Full Connectedness). We assist you in developing a corporate strategy centered around the 4 pillars of wellness, to foster a positive work culture cultivating of a more complete team.

Learn & Grow Together
With WellYOU IN the Jungle (WIJ), you'll never have to wonder how to communicate and lead others again.
One of the most common complaints in healthcare, business, and even personal relationships is communication. The answer to how you navigate in this jungle called life resides in your ability to be self aware enough to know who you are, the role you play, and how to communicate and work as a team across various environments.
Additionally, how you care for yourself shows up in how you care for others. So we've included digestible strategies to highlight self-care and proper wellness for the health practitioner, the CEO, the entrepreneur, who has a selfless heart that requires purposed self-care. This is both impactful and key in service based industries that support people in their most vulnerable moments.

Group Facilitation & Team Workshops
Create teams based upon compatible skills and traits and not merely by just "rounding up the usual suspects" perpetuating a harmonic work culture as you cultivate skills to exceed customer expectations for professional and compassionate service.

Leadership & Performance
Cultivate the leadership skills to effectively manage others by knowing your natural behavioral tendencies and being able to recognize and adapt your leadership style to optimize your employees or team's work style.

Wellness for the Practitioner
The Practitioner needs love too. Learn to build self-care and personal time into your schedule so that you can better serve those who need you. Working in excellence isn't solely for the patients, clients, and customers. In fact, working in excellence is pivotal in how you serve yourself first.